Tips For A Moving Drama Award Ceremony A drama club awards ceremony can be extremely emotional. After all, participants poured their hearts and souls (and many, many hours) into the success of the show. You don’t just...
Quirky Track Award Ideas Celebrate the successes of your team on and off the track with quick and quirky track trophies and awards from K2 Awards! These unique track trophy ideas will go a...
Maestro Music Trophy Ideas Band, orchestra and choir directors put in long hours, hard work, personal attention and dedication, all for the sake of their students. When it's time to recognize them, they deserve...
High School Tennis Team Award Ideas It’s nice to recognize the accomplishments of each member of your tennis team at the end of the season with a custom tennis award. Need some help with high school...
Soccer Trophies Buying Guide Buying the right soccer trophy can be a tough decision. Here's a guide with three quick tips for buying soccer trophies and making sure your soccer party is a hit!
Plaque Buying Guide If you’re looking to buy engraved plaques online, you may be wondering where to start. You’ll find that K2 Awards can customize a wide range of plaques — so many,...
Last Place Fantasy Football Trophy Ideas The season is over. There are winners and there are losers. While rewarding the person who comes out on top is nice, it can be even more fun to honor...
Halloween Trophies To Howl About Find the perfect Halloween costume trophy for all the spooky, funny and just plain weird costumes at this year's contest or party. Check out a few of our favorites!
Easy Ideas For Unique Lacrosse Medals Your players work hard and give it their all when they’re out on the field. You want to give your players something that truly conveys how much you appreciate them...
Singing Trophy Ideas Singers work extremely hard all show season long. It’s nice to recognize and reward their hard work and talent. And what’s more, there’s a singing trophy available for every budget...
Lacrosse Trophy Figures Lacrosse trophy figures can be graceful and classic, but they can also push the envelope. Either way, your lacrosse trophies from K2 Awards are sure to be a hit! Check...
Plaque Award Ideas When you present someone with a plaque award, you want it to be special. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with traditional plaques, you may want to add something unique to...